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Look Around feat. Doc Brown

by Protextor and Bird Peterson

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© 2020-2025 Cream Dream Records


From the mall to the block
To a bomb in Iraq
Let ‘em all let ‘em shop
Let ‘em all in
See ‘em callin’ the cops
And more often that not
That’s a call with a …

Verse 1 (Doc Brown)
Can I get a fuck you
To these fuckin’ Dopey Opie
Domestic abuse ass
Fuckin’ Post Ma-lowly
Thin blue balls havin’ psycho phony
Baloney breath racist ass
Fuckin’ cuck jabronis
This is from all of my niggas who don’t love you homie
“ACAB” tatted on their knucks
You fuckin’ cronies, homie
Terrorizing black communities like Kony, homie
I’m droppin’ bombs over hashtags
I’m Black like the raised fist to fuckin’ Stokely, homie
And low-key my enemies can’t fuckin’ hold me, homie
Proddin’ lots around these cars just like it’s Dolby, homie
And best believe the devil wears a pair of Oakleys, homie
I’m that dark cloud over your white pride parade
Bringin’ peace to the streets with a hand grenade
So fuck your buzz cuts and truck nuts and barriades
12 red dots aimed at your motorcade

Verse 2 (Protextor)
I’m babbin’
If they grab your pussy grab their dick
and rip
we about to smash your shit
paranoid president
he about to crash the whip
he bout to catch a hit
we about to catch a sentence
we about to make a hit
yeah make a couple of ‘em
45 with a 45 I ain’t runnin’ from ‘em
Til I die in a pillow fight on a fuckin’ forum
leave my fuckin’ forearm
up your ass like a puppet for ‘em
I’m blonde
that means I get all the guns that I want
On your lawn with a Glock
make the neighborhood watch
I could shoot you all dead
and they’d take me unharmed
above the law
ain’t afraid o’ no cops
I am the hall inside Columbine
I am who answers when you call up 911
I am on the line
or ya headed straight to the morgue
look at my white face
the face of a nation at war
A racist downpouring that’s given rain to the force of white evil intertangled in roots
If it’s Anglo it shoots
At what isn’t Anglo and moves
So it can hang to the loot
And don’t angle that truth
Truth is we’re a dangerous group

From the mall to the block
To a bomb in Iraq
Let ‘em all let ‘em shop
Let ‘em all in
See ‘em callin’ the cops
And more often than not that’s a call with a …

They say to protect your country with violence
But this country’s nothing but people who survived it
Fuck cops and crush ICE like Sonic
this country is nothing but the people who survive it
They say to protect your country with violence
But this country’s nothing but people who survived it
Fuck cops and crush ICE like Sonic
this country is nothing but the people who survive it

Verse 3 (Protextor)
Take a gun on the damn street
Goddamn are these men weak
Afraid of immigrants
Goddamn are these men weak
Death threat on a damn tweet
Goddamn are these men weak
worked up in a frenzy
Goddamn are these men weak
No stamina no street
Just panic and old beat-up
Hands grabbin’ their own penis
To make sure it’s still there
And they’ll make sure to call you triggered
With your hands up in the air
Pull the trigger while they tell you how
Cancellin’s not fair
I’ma call the women cops
and get ‘em all up in it
heard a million shots
a minute
a billion’ll watch the vids
and then comment upon the victim
a history of addiction
to when he got out of prison
to did he say what he did
when he didn’t get out the whip?
if he did what they say he did then
just maybe he wasn’t innocent
pray for the bravest men who leave mace to the girls in peril
and aim for urban apparel
to make a safer America
straight for the brain, get ‘em

From the mall to the block
To a bomb in Iraq
Let ‘em all let ‘em shop
Let ‘em all in
See ‘em callin’ the cops
And more often that not
That’s a call with a shot
At the wrong end
From the mall to the block
To a bomb in Iraq
Let ‘em all let ‘em shop
Let ‘em all in
See ‘em callin’ the cops
And more often that not
That’s a call with a shot
At the wrong end


released March 21, 2025
lyrics/vox: Protextor and Doc Brown
production/mixing: Bird Peterson


all rights reserved



Protextor Los Angeles, California

Pop culture poet.

Prince superfan, VHS collector, antifascist.

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