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==Color Sphere==
The color sphere brings the color wheel to the third dimension.
It wordlessly shows growth from point to shape to prismatic solid and uses primary and secondary colors to demonstrate the inter-relationships.
==fine art line chart==
=Spectrum of Dimensions=
Typically changes in state of dimension is shown in giant leaps: point, plane, prismatic solid, and prismatic solid in time or space. But it is in the interdimensionality of things that we find nuance, possibility, and inspiration. Between point and line is a dotted line. Between line and plane, a fractal. Between plane and cube, a squarleton. This chart visually represents dimension on a spectrum.
These diagrams should be in every preschool classroom. They will be.
= = = = = = = =
BARMAN 120619
Take a look thru my mindseye
Before you get blindsided by the gold mountain school science guy
It’s our job to be not too concrete
see spaces between things, paint pictures in peop/le
elite skills distinct from ills of elite
Today the basics, complex next week
Let’s start with the fine art line chart
A subject close to ghosts and my heart
We’re always taught dimensions in natural numbers
But it’s in bw fractions all action’s discovered
fractal suggests a plane without defining its borders
Like branches tossed on the ground, pine needles in orchard
A dot over time becomes a dotted line
Just as wind begins to bend a fractal to knotted pine
To make a circle, a point can expand
or the line can close in and hold its own hands
Perpendicular lines form a square’s skeleton
Tell it in-tensely, listeners then see well its skin
When my square flies through space or time, you
see hear and add to it so you feel in your mind, cube
Paint a base in a mind, earballs add flesh and sinew
Distinct from one I knew, equally solid to my view
This the type of stuff i teach at rhyme school
Gold Mountain School to be exact
The greater the vision, the freer to act
Always taught dimensions using whole numbers
but it’s in between where we find some bold colors
Ima teach everything i know like Buckminster Fuller
Hoarding knowledge is for spinsters and dullards
Color wheel has three primary colors
Red blue and yellow combine to make alla others
Mix opposites together they make gray
Opposites sit next to each other vibrate
Color wheel through timespace forms color sphere
makes both color wheel and prismatic solids ultra-clear
Run to the light. Don’t run from fear
We can all author sacred geometry
Ego go naked, make a free comedy
A circle flat, is a sphere solid
Triangle transforms to pyramid
Six squares fix their sides to a cube
Rectangle wraps round two circle caps, a tube
Tubes, hollow cylinders, fill in your body regions
Cubes cross with pyramids and form polyhedrons
Pyramid crossed with a sphere is a cone
Only thing we gotta fear, fears alone
Orate a skeleton, you paint flesh and sinew
to see as real a person as one in my view
You not left-brained nor right-brained
You are and got both. Let light way in
Night framed named flight
(You’d be) surprised by height and sight gained
Ritualize transition from workday so don’t stay so tight-reined
Structural integrity depends on quality of energy
Migraines come when ya fight pain
Imagigami, the study of beauty and symmetry
Practiced in life more than music and imagery
We can all author sacred geometry
When ego go naked, we make a free comedy
We’re always taught dimensions using diagrams
but all things are one including this style of man
= = =
released October 29, 2020
recorded and finally synthesized 120619 in NY
mixed and mastered by Memory Man June 2020 in Austin
music by BadBadNotGood and Ghostface in Canada
Plaquesnor helps with digital visuals in Netherlands
analogue art drawn 2009/2010 in NY
supported by 11 fans who also own “Everything I Know”
Open Mike Eagle's lyricism, humor, and wit is even more pronounced when paired with his vulnerability, and emotional honesty on this record. It's a masterpiece of beats, rhymes, and lines, conveying the pain, faults, and eventual climb back out of a dark place. Also the references to anime throughout from song titles to the bars give truffle pigs like me something delicious to sniff out.
I will also die on the hill that "I'm a Joestar " is the best anime inspired song in hiphop. revolutionarydogboi