supported by 35 fans who also own “Shady Lane (Live Europaturnén MCMXCVII)”
This album includes an excellent live performance of Diamond Sea, one of my favorite SY tracks that doesn’t appear on many of their live albums on Bandcamp. This was from the era when I first got into SY. elliottmaraniss
supported by 32 fans who also own “Shady Lane (Live Europaturnén MCMXCVII)”
Me and my friend used to go on drives all the time, and a lot of the time i asked what he was playing, and a majority of the songs were from Yo La Tengo. And since i went and listened to And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out i was fan. Never thought i’d buy one of their records for myself. violetstain
A killer live experimental rock LP from Chris Forsyth with the rhythm section of Sunwatchers, full of blistering energy. Bandcamp New & Notable...Mar 30, 2021