So happy I bought the vinyl, fantastic collection of Cevin's early music. Recommended if you're into Skinny Puppy or if you're a fan of early EBM, industrial or noisey beats! :) jeff
This is the closest thing we have right now to a new Skinny Puppy album. And, Bill, about your lyrics on that first track--no one is waging war on Europe. European nations, however, are actively supporting genocide in Palestine. MARTYR
The Barcelona duo inject coldwave with industrial grit and ghostly elegance, with Andrea P. Latorre’s vocals an undeniable highlight. Bandcamp... New & Notable Feb 27, 2020
Irresistibly dark EBM tailor-made for the Halloween season, this is all driving rhythms, midnight synths and ominous vocals. Bandcamp New &... Notable Oct 21, 2023
Industrial is what led me to IDM, and now it’s led me back to industrial. Full circle. It’s a rich deposit of never ending algorithm of sound. Chara...cter Arc Theorem