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Clean, Masculine & Confident

from Clean, Masculine & Confident by Rube

00:00 / 03:39
  • Cassette + Digital Album

    Cassette tape with color insert - drawings by Jeff Gess -- 100 copies available.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Clean, Masculine & Confident via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $5 USD



Yes I’m clean masculine and confident
I feel like I could even run for president
Spread my message clear across the continent
Clean masculine and confident

About a year or two ago
I bottomed out I got real low
I said things to the abyss that the abyss dared not repeat
Well I wept and wailed and gnashed my teeth
I crawled high on that midden heap
I ranted railed till finally sleep
Descended upon me

But the mirror only shows what’s on the surface
And the surface never did no wrong to me
So that’s why I’m—

Clean masculine and confident
I’m thinking I should really run for president
Spread my message clear across the continent
You know it’s all about being clean masculine and confident

Well I woke up one foul morning
I was feeling sick I was feeling ornery
Had a pain down in my gut that lamed my limbs
My goose got cooked my yoke got busted
My taters braised my carrot roasted
The former glory that I’d once boasted of being
I was not him

But the mirror only shows what’s on the outside
And the outside, it don’t look so bad to me
No it don’t so that’s why I’m—

Clean masculine and confident
Just watch me now I’m headed on to president
Spread my message clear across the continent
Clean masculine and confident


from Clean, Masculine & Confident, released April 12, 2019


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Rube New York, New York

Rube was formed in New York in 2016. We recorded our first album in Georgia in 2018. Now we live in New York, Georgia, and Los Angeles. We play poppy country rock music; it's as dumb as it sounds but it's pretty smart sometimes.

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