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from By The Fire by Thurston Moore

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The fourth song is "Siren", written by the blue field of Italy's Vasto Sea. "You may have the universe if I may have Italy." says Giuseppe Verdi from his opera Atilla. The deep spirit of Italy calls you as a siren from the rocks risen above the water, validating the essence of love where to leave the country is only with tears in the heart.


(Music by Thurston Moore,
lyrics by Radieux Radio)

Lights and shadows of this place
Where I swear by all these saints
Calm rapture on her face
Salt skin summer shine
Vasto sea over me
Bottles into gems blue and green
If you happen to see this girl
Return her to the sea and me

I swear by all the saints tonight
The curious epochs of my life
What’s come over me
Is that you will stay by my side


from By The Fire, released September 27, 2020
Thurston Moore vocals, guitars
Deb Googe bass
James Sedwards guitar
Jem Doulton drums

Recorded and mixed at Total Refreshment Centre, London England
by Syd Kemp and Kristian Craig Robinson

Mastered by Lasse Marhaug

Photograph by Laurent Orseau

Artwork by Nico Bruggemans

Produced by Eva Prinz / Daydream Library Series


all rights reserved



Thurston Moore London, UK

thurston moore born 25 july 1958 coral gables florida usa, teenage years bethel connecticut then nyc 1977, joins The Coachmen plays cbgb, max's + downtown art-rock dwellings,sonic youth 1980-2014, then chelsea light moving, immigrates to great smoke, foreva love, solo group action, further free scenes, ecstatic peace library, daydream library, animal liberation ... more

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