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Pillar of Salt (Still)

from Songs of Disquiet by matt pond PA

00:00 / 03:42
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Pillar of Salt by The Thermals has resonated with me since it was first released. I remember disappearing into my headphones— time after time on tour after tour — to help me renew a faded sense of self and waltz the lyrics and melodies, where good always prevails over evil.

All these tracks have been stuck in our heads for years. We re-approached them with the sense that they can be sung together. It is never too late for a little hope around a raging late-night campfire.


We were born to sin
We were born to sin
We don't think we're special sir
We know everybody is
We've built too many walls
Yeah, we've built too many walls
And now we gotta run
A giant fist is out to crush us
We run in the dark
We run in the dark
We don't carry dead weight long
We send them along to heaven
I carry my baby
I carry my baby
Her eyes can barely see
Her mouth can barely breathe
I can see she's afraid
She could see the danger
We don't want to die or apologize
For our dirty God, our dirty bodies
Now, I stick to the ground
I stick to the ground
I won't look twice for the dead walls
I don't want a white pillar of salt
I carry my baby
I carry my baby
Her eyes can barely see
Her mouth can barely breathe
I can see she's afraid
That's why we're escaping
So we won't have to die, we won't have to deny
Our dirty God, our dirty bodies


from Songs of Disquiet, released August 7, 2020
Chris Hansen, Anya Marina, Matt Pond


all rights reserved



matt pond PA Kingston, New York

From the band’s beginnings in Philadelphia, to their current home in the heart of the Hudson Valley, through 13 albums (among them Emblems, Several Arrows Later, The Dark Leaves, The State of Gold, and, most recently, the luminous The Natural Lines), Matt Pond PA has always been a living, breathing organism—one that’s constantly changing. ... more

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