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Circuit #3

by Joe Morris

00:00 / 04:12
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This track is a companion piece to Joe Morris' text "Proudly Disengaged", his contribution to a series of essays, commissioned by REMAIIN (Radical European Music and its Intercultural Nature), a project that investigates non-European cultural influences on the experimental, avant-garde and innovative music of the present and the past. It is co-funded by the „Creative Europe” programme of the European Union.

The essay can be found here: www.remaiin.eu/2020/05/proudly-disengaged/


released May 7, 2020
Recorded by Joe Morris at his home in March 2020.


all rights reserved



REMAIIN Riga, Latvia

REMAIIN (Radical European Music and its Intercultural Nature) is a project that investigates non-European cultural influences on the experimental, avant-garde and innovative music of the present and the past. It is co-funded by the „Creative Europe” programme of the European Union.

This Bandcamp page archives the musical recordings of the project.
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