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The history of reggae music is populated with unusual cover versions. If a well loved tune can work to a reggae beat, then it’s fair game, wherever it’s from.
The latest in a long line of innovative reworkings is the new single from Mungo’s Hi Fi and Italian-born, Paris-based singer Marina P. It’s a haunting, dreamy rocksteady interpretation of American
group Smashing Pumpkins’ psychedelic masterpiece Soma. The result is a glove-like fit of skanking rhythm and soaring melody so inspired that it’s a wonder no one’s thought of it before.

Soma comes from Mungo’s and Marina’s musically diverse new album, Soul Radio. It combines Marina’s sultry 21st century ska and rocksteady bangers, with soul, jazz and trip hop moments.
Soma is the ancient Greek word for “body” and the name for a mythical mind altering substance in novelist Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Marina P and Mungo’s Hi Fi’s Soma stimulates the body and the mind in a much healthier way..


released July 10, 2020


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Mungo's Hi Fi Glasgow, UK

Forward thinking reggae music


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