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A Drowning in Sunlight

from Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy by Drouth

00:00 / 08:29
  • T-Shirt/Apparel + Digital Album

    Featuring the label graphic from "Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy." Yellow and gray print on black Gildan Ultra Cotton 2000 shirts. Art by Matt Stikker, printed by Mixed Species (Corvallis, OR).

    Includes unlimited streaming of Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 7 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $20 USD or more 


  • 12" Vinyl (Black and white splatter)
    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    A 12" vinyl version of "Excerpts," pressed on black and white splatter vinyl.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out


Scarcely I slept, restless and fitful / Tossed ashore by oneiric tides / Waking, walking, sand in my hair / Blood shivering in the dark
I have held my heart in my hands / Tested its sustenance, useless and cold / Crouching among the circle of stones / Flickering stars merely
pinpricks of regret
Dreaming — the stark and sunlit threshold/Over and over — slipping closer to the door
I transmute delirium to substance / Dripping with sweat, cursed and feeble / I cannot recall the form of a tiger / The fragrance of wood,
the slickness of deceit
I reject, I deny, I lament that which I create / Curling inward, cowering from light/Lurching from idyll again into ruination
I drag my raft by night to the current’s edge/Shoreline strewn with glass, like fistfuls of teeth / Cast upon wine-dark seas of time/Over the scuttling things that wreathe the innards of the earth
Behold the sum of man, behold the price of rest / One forbidden sight, one familiar sin / To soar into the sun, to crush that which you hold
most dear
I have felt its breath in my sleeping mouth / A bitter taste I cannot coax or reproduce / Now, dragged into the moaning daylight / I feel it slip forever from my trembling hands
For each attempt to produce a form in perfect structure / The more distended and grotesque my progeny / I resign myself to slump at last into the pyre / But with relief, with humility, with terror I am unharmed
Steady my hand, light of the morning / Denuder of self, destroyer of all, deposer of kings, diminisher of man.


from Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy, released July 31, 2020


all rights reserved



Drouth Portland, Oregon

M. Stikker - Guitar, Vocals, Lyrics
P. Fiorentino - Drums
J. Edwards - Guitar, Vocals
M. Solis - Bass

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