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Falling (Reimagined by Lycia)

from Planet of Me EP by Audra

00:00 / 05:20
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A reimagined version of the closing track from Dear Tired Friends, featuring Lycia


Her hair was the color of seaweed
His little mermaid
Dreamt about swimming
The house was lonely
Cracked open with a wedge of light
And sips of gin
She nods her head but eyes weren’t in

I’ll give you a call tonight
Turn the snow white pages
Through the canopy of trees

Come sit down
How have you been?
I used to be so scared
To go so high



from Planet of Me EP, released June 5, 2020
Bret Helm - Vocals, Synth, Electronics
Mike VanPortfleet - Guitar

Written by Bret Alan Helm & Bart Walter Helm
(c) 2019 Audra Music

Recorded at Life on this Planet & Lycium Music in Mesa, AZ. Vocals recorded by Joshua Rozenboom at SER Soundworks in Chandler, AZ

Mixed by Bret Helm
Mastered by Martin Bowes at The Cage Studios in Coventry, England


all rights reserved



Audra Mesa, Arizona

Formed in 1991 by Chicago-raised brothers Bart & Bret Helm, Audra has released 4 albums (the first 2 with Projekt Records). 2019 saw the release of Dear Tired Friends, their long-awaited 4th album. 2022 brings 20th Anniversary Editions of 2002's Going to the Theatre. Audra has performed with AFI, Peter Murphy, She Wants Revenge, New Model Army, The Mission UK, Lycia, etc. ... more

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