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mama's baby

by orion sun

00:00 / 02:59
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i experienced police brutality may 30th, 2020 while protesting in philadelphia. i was injured pretty bad but i remember not grasping the reality of the situation because i hear so many people confuse police brutality with police murder. example: george floyd. neither is acceptable. i was calming the river that flowed from my moms eyes 830 miles away over the phone. she was worried crazy and heart broken over what had happened to me. i saw then that what the police did wasn't right even when i made it out alive. its wrong to think of a violent encounter with the police and just be grateful i didnt die. police have failed to protect and serve me. they had no problem throwing a black women to the ground over what? nothing. on top of this, when i shared my story with some video to accompany it (thanks to my friend phil who didnt even know it was me until he saw it) only then did it mobilize close friends of mine to break their silence and stand in solidarity with me. it hurt because i was just slammed to the ground a couple times and got my arm twisted, etc. the people i was/am fighting for were murdered. why are people numb to the death of my people.
i was processing a lot and this song sort of bled out of me. i was having trouble eating and as soon as i got home from the protest i threw up in a mixing bowl zubeyda grabbed out of the kitchen because i was too hurt to move. i've been in pain physically and emotionally but upon completing this song a wave of peace came over me. it was the first time my anxiety subsided in a long while and i thought if this did that for me then it might for other people. i want to share this song with you today in hopes that you can find some peace during this time. even when people can look at the world burning and feel nothing because the fire hasn't touched their skin, there are people feeling deeply and fighting in their own important way for the change that is inevitable. keep your head up and breathe and know that evil will never prevail long enough to be forever.

with that being said we must keep going!

with the purchase of this song 100% of the money will be going to Breonna Taylor's gofundme page. im so excited that her case has been reopened! there is hope for justice to be served. i will post a receipt of the donated earnings at the end of bandcamp day!

thank you for your support. be safe
orion sun


that's mama's baby
she brought me in this world
white world against me
she taught me how
to speak to death inside
he run his mouth
blew out my candle light
it don't affect me (x2)
wishing well
who gon' protect me
i've seen it all before
it don't affect me
i mean we all pass on
at least respect me

paint red the city
i bike pass broken glass
looked like whats (within) me
i hear the cries
looked death right in his eyes
face on the ground
i dream of paradise
it don't affect me (x2)
wishing well
who gon' protect me
i've seen it all before
it don't affect me
i mean we all pass on
at least respect me


released June 5, 2020
orion sun - written/composed, arranged, preformed
dj haram - engineered this track in my home studio in philadelphia, pa
jake aron and joe visciano - mixing
joe laporta - mastered

thank you to these amazing human beings for taking the time out of their day to share resources and talents for free. blessed to know them. may God continue to bless ya'll for real. <3


all rights reserved



orion sun Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

i used to ask my neighbor/friend around my grandmas way if i could borrow his ipod shuffle. i would listen to music i couldnt at home, it took me places i never thought existed. you are someplace else. completely out of your control. it almost feels like magic. and then its over. i want to create a small pocket in this infinite space to maybe rest in and explore before venturing on. ... more

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