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pressure breaks pipes
leading to the saturation of the whole foundation
cause asphyxiation of the architecture
so that it cannot weather the storm
hindering ability is killing me
something much more than softly
a toast to the lofty goals
of lost souls in transit
handing in tickets to cash out
and taking the back routes
the arrival of eloquence
seen as an invasive element
with delicate dedication to a false tenet
a remnant now unconditionally ignorant

problematic implementations of incantations
taken in the wrong context
too complex for inanimate objectification
and eventual pedestal placement
keep it on the level
leave it on the square if you wanna get a bit more subtle
carve time out of my day to meddle with these muggles
take the anatomy of reality apart
like a surgical dirge
a turgid melody for another offhand elegy
the voices keep telling me


from Panic Ruminations, released January 24, 2020
written by Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice
produced by K Death of Moodie Black


all rights reserved



Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice Austin, Texas

Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice
:: mc : dj : producer : artist ::

A wordsmith with the heart of a poet and the head of a broadcast journalist. A DJ who is not afraid to venture outside of the norm. A producer with a different vocabulary of influences, and no fear whatsoever about embracing them. An artist searching for the link between the palette and the pixel. ... more

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