seeing her live at Melbourne was like watching some wizard unveil deep, gloomy magic in the room - if you're able to, drop everything and go see her concert jesse
The former Summer Twin steps into her own on a sophisticated solo record full of classic pop sounds and starry-eyed optimism. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jun 23, 2022
This is the second in a series of weekly album reviews published by Andrew Dubber. If you haven’t already caught it, please check out his introductory post. The world appears to be littered with bearded young men with acoustic guitars and notebooks full of verse, access to old pianos, and mournful string players. Few have … Continue reading Album of the Week: Fire on the Vine → Bandcamp Album of the Day Nov 6, 2011
I'm tempted to call this wellness pop. Across these tracks, Jenkins accurately chronicles our necessary (although maybe impossible?) quest to become whole. Jenkins isn't really offering a definitive answer to what we should do, but only that we never stop searching. thepirc