SEUM plays a grimy sludge and makes the bass the star of the show ! they're the kings of catchy choruses and are not afraid to implement unexpected influences to their sound (PRINCE or The Ramones) FATIMA
The Tyromancers prove that mixing surf rock and black metal is possible : Wild rythmics, jazzy structures, doom bass lines, and occasional oriental melodies (the icing on the cake) ! They rock ! FATIMA
If Sword and Sorcery was a metal genre, CERBERE would be its defining band. Here, Black metal merges with suffocating ambient doom and Iron monkiesque sludge vocals and riffs. heavy as F..k ! FATIMA
Empezamos lento... pero fuerte, te preparas y apenas estás cargado, vas más rápido que la luz, con una sensación de omnipotencia, pudiendo encarnar a Flash mismo, pero con un deseo ominoso por mostrar quien manda.
Algo bueno... simplemente... OMNIPOTENTE, OMNISCIENTE Y OMNIPRESENTE. Una rola perfecta para andar con un cuadro y crico. finísimo. Lord Josh L.