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"Talk To Me"

by Ivy Lab x Two Fingers

00:00 / 04:01
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Ivy Lab and Two Fingers (Amon Tobin) continue their exciting production collaboration with new track 'Talk To Me'. The track follows their collaborations on 'Hotline' and 'Orange', both released in 2019.

"This beat is a departure from the agitated menace of our previous two collaborations 'Orange' and 'Hotline', 'Talk to Me' is way more wholesome, bouncing lazily through its Bollywood underscore. "
- Ivy Lab

North London outfit Ivy Lab were brought together out of a shared enthusiasm for experimentations on the fringes of the UK bass music scene. The duo of Sabre (Gove Kidao) and Stray (J. Fogel), released their acclaimed debut album ‘Death Don’t Always Taste Good’ in 2018 (“A sound that finds a middle ground between drum & bass, dubstep, hip-hop and techno, powered by colossal sound design” Resident Advisor), produced one of BBC Radio 1’s top five Essential Mixes of the year, played worldwide from London to Tokyo to Berlin to New York, and continued to build the 20/20 LDN stable.

Two Fingers began modestly as Amon Tobin's dedicated outlet for heavy bass music way back in the early 2000's. Since then it has gained its own gravitational pull with two full length albums on Ninja Tune, legendary DJ sets across the globe and tracks which have rightfully earned their status as bonafide classics. From the sweaty clubs it was intended for, to features in blockbuster movies and video games, to global ad campaigns for major brands, Two Fingers appears to stride effortlessly between commercial appeal and uncompromised brutality.


released March 20, 2020


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Ivy Lab London, UK


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