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Sleep In The Day

from VEGA by EMIKA

00:00 / 04:53
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.

      €1 EUR  or more


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Black cover sleeve with silver hot foil printed logo on the front and partial UV varnish printed track list on the back.

    28 tracks on 3x 12"black vinyls LPs and an b/w printed inlay.

    VEGA I - A
    1. The Anti Universe, 2. Transcended Before Me Feat. Horace Andy, 3. Fake Prophets, 4. Phoenix Life, 5. Battles Pt.II Feat. Sebastian,
    VEGA I - B
    1. Professional Loving X, 2. Violin Momente, 3. Windows To My Right, 4. Archangel, 5. Meet Me At THe Gateway, 6. Nowhere Land

    VEGA II - A
    1. Angel Come Feat. Liela Moss, 2. Wild Is The Wind, 3. Knew Your Name Before You Were Born Feat. Rødhad, 4. My Consciousness, 5. Broken Pieces Feat. Anna Phoebe,
    VEGA II - B
    1. What Other People Think, 2. Forwards, 3. Shadow World, 4. Sleep In The Day, 5. Double Edge X Feat. Robert
    ...  more
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €69 EUR or more 



from VEGA, track released May 1, 2020


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EMIKA Rottweil, Germany

Emika is an independent artist, music producer, singer-songwriter, composer & sound designer. She's classically trained with a BA in Creative Music Technology & releases her music via her own imprint Emika Records, including the music she loves by her friends. She works creates from her own music studio in The Black Forest (Schwarzwald, Germany).
Sign up to her weekly newsletter
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