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Distant Sun (Taipei Version)

from Distant Sun by Robi Mitch

00:00 / 04:20
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am I a distant son to you, not giving much?
you are a distant sun to me
you are the light by which I see
but I barely feel your touch

am I a distant son to you, never keeping up?
you are a distant sun to me
but do not turn your face to me
for I would be burned up

and I would throw myself
over the precipice
I would let go and drift
down into the abyss

if you'd be there
if you'd be waiting
if you'd be there
waiting for me

am I a distant son to you, always hiding?
you are a distant sun to me, barely rising
blinded when I look your way
but still I cannot look away

so c'mon,
get closer


from Distant Sun, released April 20, 2020




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