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Big Moon

from Big Moon b/w Rufus by The Big Net

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    Includes unlimited streaming of Big Moon b/w Rufus via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 1 day
    Purchasable with gift card

      $9 USD or more 



i felt so upset last night
as if nothing no one could console me
but when i looked inside my heart
i knew i just need someone to hold me
and maybe its just the full moon rising
though i dont think it can control me
but when i try to fall asleep
that big moon just continued to hold me

big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon

men are just big little boys
once i knew i would never grow older
cuz everytime i take a step
towards my aging i feel i grow colder
and maybe its just the full moon rising
though i dont think it can control me
but when i try to fall asleep
i'll continue to let that moon hold me

big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon
big moon


from Big Moon b/w Rufus, released February 28, 2020


all rights reserved



The Big Net New York, New York

The Big Net is led by songwriter Kevin Copeland on guitar and vocals, with Andrew Emge on the drums, and Logan Miley on bass and as the band's recording engineer. They are a folk-rock power trio based somewhere in the Northeastern United States, and their sound is not unlike the sweet howling of a dog in a moving car.

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