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House Of York

by TV Priest

00:00 / 04:12
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Please forgive me
King confessor
In the arms and the heads
Where we drink ourselves to death
Pious and gullible
Kings and queens and kings again
House of York, house of sin

Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori
Stones and slate
State and heads of state
Lines on a map
With a face like a thunderclap
Grin rictus, young man
Sense of duty, and a plan
Well it must count for something
Well it must count for something
Yeah right

If you could only
See the crowd
Would you walk straight at them
Talk right through them
If you could only
Hear them shout
This is not my national anthem
This is not my national anthem

What these people need
Is a little reminder
That we're all uninvited guests
That we're all uninvited guests
At someone else's wedding

If you could only
See the crowd
Would you walk right at them
Talk straight through them
If you could only
Hear them shout
This is not my national anthem
This is not my national anthem


released June 27, 2020


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TV Priest London, UK

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