supported by 96 fans who also own “As The Sun Sets”
The great underlying instrumentation paired with Florence's droll stream of consciousness lyrics make this album stand out. It feels so personal and confessional. Favorite tracks are Strong Feelings and Leafy. I've heard Scratchard Lanyard on alt radio and love that one as well. tofupotpie
supported by 82 fans who also own “As The Sun Sets”
I feel like I could have written this song while with my ex. It is so bitingly truthful, holding back none of the bitter reality of feelings that a toxic relationship establishes. The build up of vocalization is spitting, heartwrenching and really brings the lyrics to their fullest emotional potential.
Can’t describe how much I love the juxtaposition of extremes recurring throughout this album, both lyrically and thematically. izze32
A heavy blend of post-rock and shoegaze from Argentina's Ox en Mayo Alto rides big emotional crests and contemplative valleys. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jul 27, 2021
Eva Lawitts’s latest album as Stimmerman offers up a dozen tracks of jagged, grunge-informed alt-rock with an experimental edge. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jan 6, 2020