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Lie Like You Want Me Back

from Truth or Consequences by Yumi Zouma

00:00 / 03:27
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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Includes 24-page lyric/photo booklet.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Truth or Consequences via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
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    Purchasable with gift card

      $12 USD or more 


  • T-Shirt/Apparel

    BRAND: Bella + Canvas
    SHIRT COLOR: Emerald Triblend
    INK COLOR: Orange
    FIT: Unisex
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    Purchasable with gift card

      $30 USD or more 




Pull me apart
Pour me a drink
I know that you lost your everything
They figured us out
A single nagging doubt

Holding my tongue
You tell me I’m bold
I’m getting outside a comfort zone
Your will to believe
A measure of deceit


And I thought so hard about it
I would fall so far without it
Say that you want me bad
Say that you want me back

Put my mind on hold a minute
You could take my life and quit it
Lie like you never have
Lie like you want me back

Verse II

Counting the cost
Meet me inside
You’re driving too fast, I nearly died
Is that who I am?
A dancer to the end

Save the suspense
Tell me I’m mad
The way that you’re blaming, it makes me sad
So, all of us “done”,
Onto another one


And I thought so hard about it
I would fall so far without it
Say that you want me bad
Say that you want me back

Put my mind on hold a minute
You could take my life and quit it
Lie like you never have
Lie like you want me back


Tried to tell you
That I’m tough
And I’m the charmer that
You’d never get again

You were open
I shut up
So I left you there
Will it ever end?


And I thought so hard about it
I would fall so far without it
Say that you want me bad
Say that you want me back

Put my mind on hold a minute
You could take my life and quit it
Lie like you never have
Lie like you want me back


from Truth or Consequences, released March 13, 2020


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Yumi Zouma Christchurch, New Zealand

Yumi Zouma is Christie Simpson, Josh Burgess, Charlie Ryder, and Olivia Campion.

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