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Subject To Entropy

by The Bloody Mallard

00:00 / 04:22
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‘Subject To Entropy’ is the second single from The Bloody Mallard and is one of the heavier servings from the debut album ‘Realm’.

Inspired by the theories of entropy and influenced by doom and stoner rock riffs the song was written with down tunings, fuzz and distortion mixed with acoustic layers to reflect entropy’s overwhelming nature.

Everyone’s thoughts, feelings, pursuits and ultimate existence are subject to the elements of nature. The song aims at creating that engulfing reality and was written for the intention of giving the listener the freedom to interpret terror or comfort.


released January 24, 2019
Recorded by Jarred Hearmen at Konk and City Sounds Studios.


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The Bloody Mallard London, UK

The Bloody Mallard is a London-based heavy psych, prog and alt-rock project. After experimenting with melodies, rhythms and tones that were reminiscent of many mushroom trips in rural Kent, the segments finally formed into songs.

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