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Terra Sola

from Terra Sola by Rosetta

00:00 / 11:35
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I learned to take advantage
Of your generosity
Still you granted more
More than I ever deserved
Mitigate the damage
Received no apology
Sinking heat absorb
My world undisturbed

Let alone cries the wind
So loud, let it sit still
Deaf in tone, blind to light
So poor, who speaks for you?
Dust came and went
Waves bound our mouths
Rust in our eyes
The flood, the shame
Hold me down under the wave
The word of god in rain
The mold, the haze
The light, the smell, the stain
My life in debris
The trust, the joy, the pain
The crow, the prey
The now, and then, the way
Your time in decay
When the air that we breathe is so thick with the shame
We expire


from Terra Sola, released October 1, 2019


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Rosetta Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pursuing the intersection of beauty and heaviness since 2003. 5 people, 18 years, 15 releases, 1200+ shows, 45 countries.

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