supported by 76 fans who also own “Cinderella Story”
Even when getting more fans, he still underrated as a curator of albums. Definitely worth it.
Favorites: Bash Money, Spoonz, Westheimer, Right Now, 716 Mile nemlo13
supported by 74 fans who also own “Cinderella Story”
The reunion of Mach-Hommy and Westside Gunn is one that was overdue but well worth the wait. West's curational abilities are on point here as the beat selection is fantastic and Mach-Hommy delivers several amazing performances whether he's dropping intricate lyrics or singing. His usual embrace of his Haitian identity and Haitian Creole is the cherry on top, giving "Pray For Haiti" Mach's personal touch/flair. stef
supported by 72 fans who also own “Cinderella Story”
Some of the best hip hop you’ll hear in this life time.
Big Al, Best Dressed Demons, Hell On Earth Pt. 2, The Fly Who Couldn’t Fly Straight….this album is ridiculous. isaiahanthony47
supported by 70 fans who also own “Cinderella Story”
This by far the illest one.. Westside been on a running streak of his own with all the albums finished this year alone… We are definitely living in a time where history is being made. Big ups to Gunn, let’s give this mf his flowers 💐 a5vpjams