supported by 4 fans who also own “Dancing Industry”
i don't think AJJ ever "outgrew" folk punk like some people think. the roots are still there, hell, even stronger than before. this is my favorite album of theirs because i feel like it transcends the boundaries the genre usually has. stellar harleyharhar
This Brooklyn-based power pop band claims to be writing the "catchiest songs of all time." They make their case on their debut EP. Bandcamp... New & Notable Sep 21, 2024
Girl and Her Bad Mood are a dreampop band from Indonesia who excel at nestling heartbreakingly beautiful melodies amidst silvery guitars. Ba...ndcamp New & Notable Jan 23, 2023
Taking cues from Midwestern emo and early ’10 pop punk, this Leeds, UK outfit are full of heart— not to mention hooks. Bandcamp New &... Notable Sep 21, 2022