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My Work

from My Work (Single) by JFDR

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i stare into nothing, i yearn for the innocence i think i once had.
a lack of sense for a fear that grows as I grow older and up.
i've carried these thoughts and I've drowned them in work and I've worn myself blue on the way down.
oh mother would you cry if you hear this song.

i woke up with dreams i've not dreamt for a month,
i was ill and i couldn't sleep long.
i dreamt i'd gone back home to collect my old winter coat.
it's that time of year and not odd growing up in a place that always was cold.
oh mother i woke up so sad having stayed where i swam in your kindness and warmth,
so quiet and strong.

oh mother would you cry if i tell you the things i have done,
hurried my death and done my beauty so wrong.
i stare into nothing and slow down my thoughts
as I turn off the light and get on with my work.


from My Work (Single), released November 20, 2019


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JFDR Reykjavík, Iceland

JFDR is the latest project from Iceland's Jófríður Ákadóttir of Samaris, Pascal Pinon and Gangly.

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