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by Great Aunt

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Great Aunt’s ‘FOMO’ speaks of a modern anxiety – the fear of missing out on something better. Somewhere better. Someone better. Between the wailing steel-body resonator, imposing double bass, and their trademark cacophony of stomps and claps, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a good-ol’ whiskey-swillin’ hoedown of sorts. It might just be a ruse, though; this duo isn’t afraid to sing about fears: of craving validation, measuring self-worth, false assumptions, and deprioritising the important and real. If ‘FOMO’ were a journey, it’d be a dark spiral into a selfie-taking, status-comparing wasteland.

Entirely self-produced and self-recorded by the duo, ‘FOMO’ is the first single from Great Aunt’s forthcoming full-length debut LP, ‘So Not Right Now’, due for release in November 2019. The song lives in an authentic space between joy and lament, and like them, aims to represent Australian-made Americana and folk music with a twist; by paying homage to beloved old-time styles of music like gospel and bluegrass, through themes of modern malaise, and a side serving of self-deprecation.

It’s simple and bold, raw and austere; full of stomping feet and clapping hands, whispered words, dark and light.

It’s worth your attention.

Stop scrolling.



released July 5, 2019
Written, engineered and produced by Chelsea Allen & Megan Bird.
Mastered by Joe Carra @ Crystal Mastering.

Megan Bird: resonator, vocals, claps and slaps
Chelsea Allen: double bass, vocals, stomps, claps and slaps


all rights reserved



Great Aunt Bathurst, Australia

Country folk duo based in Wiradjuri country, Australia.

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