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Long Distance

from Story Time LP by Menik

00:00 / 03:25
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This record is about the wonders of long distance relationships.

It features recordings of Menik's partner Skyping her mother in Thailand. The mood of this track is quite fun and positive but there is a hint of melancholy too.

The idea behind this is that for the most part technology does a fantastic job of allowing us to move away and still feel connected with family and friends even from the other side of the world (Even with buffering issues), however technology can't replace the feeling's of physical touch and simply being in the same room enjoying someone's company.


from Story Time LP, released June 7, 2019


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Menik UK

Menik music is colourful, ambient, melodic and driving, drawing inspiration from genres such as, blues, rock, hip hop, jazz, soul, latin, house, techno, drum and bass, dubstep and garage.

Menik strives to bring something new, always creating something different with his distinctive sound: Warm chords, glowing piano and driving drums with signature analogue sounds and pop sensibilities.
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