Strictly Limited to 300 copies, on Milky White vinyl (translucent). Note the different vinyl-exclusive tracklisting as the entire B-side is not available for download/streaming:
A1: CEMETERY MOONGLOW (in the cold air of the night)
B1: ANOTHER W.O.R.L.D. 【7"... Exclusive】
B2: Neverthesame...【7" Exclusive】
B3: E) x t r a S) e n s o r y P) e r c e p t i o n 【7" Exclusive】
B4: Legendary EQUIP 【7" Exclusive】
The cover art composes 1/3rd of a larger triptych by the artist Bani-chan. Parts 2 and 3 will be revealed later this summer with the next two singles from "CURSEBREAKER X!" Collect all 3 to create the complete artwork.
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supported by 148 fans who also own “1 Cemetery Moonglow (in the cold air of the night)”
2025 DDS Discography Listen-Through Thoughts:
Based on the Bandcamp reviews, this album is more divisive than I would’ve expected! Imo, it’s filled with unique and experimental tracks worth returning to. I find myself appreciating it more and more each listen. It pretty clearly makes the point where DDS begins to break the “traditional vaporwave” mould in my view. sb0rp