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Life as a Theme Park Mascot

from Thank the Rocks for Catching Me! by Dandelion Tea

00:00 / 02:53
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A synth heavy, hooky track that's short and sweet. It is the first Dandelion Tea track to include a bass solo (with synth accompaniment) and also lead guitar, which features in no other recording by the band.


Night time exterior
I watch you disappear
Behind a curtain of people
A haystack of needles
And you moved through the fair
As I stood and stared

Is that the sun or the moon?
I called out after you
As you were drifting
Uncontrollably down stream
My head hung down
And off came my crown
Now I'm just a hunting trophy
Hung above your mantelpiece

Before I'd heard of someone like you
To fall was to land on a cloud and pass right through
I'd curse the sun in my eyes
Never knowing the cold rains beneath my skies
Now I'm over the falls, plummeting into the sea
And thank the rocks for catching me!

Is that the sun or the moon?
I called out after you
As you were drifting
Uncontrollably down stream
My head hung down
And off came my crown
Now I'm just a hunting trophy
Hung above your mantelpiece


from Thank the Rocks for Catching Me!, released May 21, 2019
Written by Jordie Sunshine
Vocals by Mary Anne Farenden
Guitar and synth by Jordie Sunshine
Bass by Scott Joseph Anderson
Produced and engineered by Niall Doran at Start Together Studios, Belfast, Summer 2018


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Dandelion Tea Belfast, UK

Our music makes the bumps in the road enjoyable. Think of Erasure meeting Fleetwood Mac

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