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Judd Matheney speaks of his family, childhood, and work as a miner and inspector.


Interviewer: Judd, what is your full name, just for the tape, so we have it for the record.
Judd: My full name is Joshua Edward Matheney. Very few people know me by Joshua, though. Judd is much easier to say.
Interviewer: Yeah, ok. Uh, what was your father’s name?
Judd: Joshua, too.

Interviewer: What did your father do? Where did he work at?
Judd: My father was a miner.
Interviewer: He was a coal miner?
Judd: He was inclined toward farming. He enjoyed farming very much, but he owned no land or anything. He, uh, would plant every foot of ground he could have access to, but living on company ground, like we did, it was very limited.
Interviewer: Now, do you, did he ever own land himself, own a farm?
Judd: Never owned a foot of ground in his life.
Interviewer: I see.

Interviewer: When did you start working, uh, Judd, when did you start...
Judd: In 19...
Interviewer: ...working at a job?
Judd: In 1928, when I finished, uh, high school at Murray City. And my father never wanted me to work in the mines. He, uh, worked...insisted against it all of the time––If... this story isn’t gettin’ too long, why...
Interviewer: Oh, no.

Judd: I was working Carbondale Number 2.
Interviewer: Yeah?
Judd: Yup. Hand loading.
Interviewer: You were hand loading there.
Judd: Could I tell you a little story about that?
Interviewer: Yeah, I’d love anything. That’s the thing I’d like to have....

Judd: I went in a little mine up Pittsburgh Holler one day, couple of men working by themselves. And, I looked up at the roof and there was just like a circle around it. And I said, “Fellas, what do you got up there?” And they said, “Ohhh, they call ‘em ‘pots,’ but it’s alright.” And I said, “Let me have your pick a moment.” And, uh, I sounded it with a pick, a customary way of checking the roof. And it sounded a little drummy, and I said, “Fellas I believe that’s, uh...dangerous.”

“Ahh, no,” he said, “don’t think so.” I said, “Let me have your bar for a moment.” One of ‘em handed me a pinch bar, and I pinched a little bit, and finally got a pretty solid hole after I got chipped in a little way... Gave a good pry on it, and...there was this cone shape. Ran up in a cone... It would’ve mashed those two men easily, if they’d... But all, of course, all men didn’t escape them kind of conditions. Many men got tangled up with them and lost their lives.


from Shawnee, Ohio, released April 26, 2019


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Brian Harnetty Columbus, Ohio

Interdisciplinary artist using sound and listening to foster social change. Recordings on Winesap, Karl, Dust-to-Digital, Atavistic, and Scioto Records.

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