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Brother's Keeper

from This Wild Willing by Glen Hansard

00:00 / 05:07
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1st of October, the summer’s over
The leaves are falling all around my door
The midnight walking, early morning talking
Can’t you hear us whispering, walking across your floor
Walking on your floor

Well, I’m going deeper, my brother’s keeper
I’m looking out for him the best I can
He’s getting older, the year is colder
Got to lean a little closer now and hear what he’s saying
Hear what he says

We’ll go out rambling all through the brambling
Long shadows falling far out ahead
The rose hips have grown now, the year is in slowdown
Your long hair and long dress, let them fall for me
Let them fall for me

And will you wait for me to come home?
Will you wait for me?

Brother, put that weight on me
Brother, put that weight on me

Great works don’t lie there, grind up and dry there
They wait for impatiently your hands to find
Leaf through the pages, can’t you feel the ages
Rise up like dust now in the sunlight there
In the sunlight

And will you wait for me to come home?
Will you wait for me?

Brother, put that weight on me
Brother, put that weight on me
Sister, put that weight on me
Sister put that weight on me

I’m going deeper, my brother’s keeper
I’m looking out for him the best I can


from This Wild Willing, released April 12, 2019


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Glen Hansard Dublin, Ireland


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