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sky7 So cool. Just makes you want to ...float. Dream.... Feel something...good. An 80's vibe without being synthwavy. This is the real thing.

00:00 / 05:20


Breaking down my shell
You open up my life
You pull me out to the dim lit
The shallows sleep tonight

I’m afraid I’ve lost myself
A desolation high
Floating out in the open
I could go for miles out here

Opening out to me all around
Goin' out to the wave
I'm holding out it's coming down
Cycling over again

I can open wide
A shallow dive into open arms
And I will follow down
Right on target
I'm right on target

Two lines interwoven
Sailing out through the inlet
I am a dot on the ocean
I strike the sail and swing over the water
I bridge that emotion
Captured in the slightest gale
Called to be chosen
Man overboard, you've fallen away

Opening out me all around
Goin' out to the wave
Hold me down it's coming now
Cycling over again


from A Chain of Islands EP, released February 22, 2019


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