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Of Stars (Single Edit)

by Lorelei Dreaming

00:00 / 04:00
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Of Stars

now the summer’s gone
the dusk that once was the dawn
brings the change of wind
a cold edge where the night begins

here that I once loved
how fast the knots come undone
call of strangers’ fire
tonight won’t leave me behind

there is nothing more I need
to appease my wandering heart
I can see everything
in this field full of

there is nothing more I need
but the motion of my heart
I can do anything
I got a field full of stars

in the sky
the banner of my heart flies in the wind
racing toward paradise
so I can touch the life within

honey to my lips
how fast the night burns away
tracks left in the sand
I leave to come another day

there is nothing more I need
to appease my wandering heart
I can see everything
in this field full of

there is nothing more I need
but the motion of my heart
I can do anything
I got a a field full of stars


released February 19, 2019
music & lyrics: Katherine Durkes
vocals: Lorelei
mastering: Echo Haus


all rights reserved



Lorelei Dreaming Madison, Wisconsin

Lorelei Dreaming is the brain child of Lorelei to bring theatrical electronic music to the stage and digital world. Our live performances are a multi-media experience of expressive lighting effect, atmospheric video manipulation, Lorelei's engaging stage presence, and of course the music.
Themes within our music are often about journeys and transformation, stories of hope, and sometimes darkness.
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