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All The Black

from All The Black by Cat Clyde

00:00 / 04:32
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Found you in the trash
Huddled in a corner
Across from me
You held out your hand
Told me not to be frightened

You explained how we’d been thrown away
So I let you take me home

This may be killing us
But at least it kills the pain
If i could soak up all the black
I would soak up all the black

Stayed the night
Told the moonlight I was scared
And that I loved you
And i know you know this life is shit
But maybe I could keep you company

This may killing us
But at least it kills the pain
If I could soak up all the black
I would soak up all the black
This may be killing us
But at least it kills the pain
If I could soak up all the black
I would soak up all the black

Lets roll a joint and walk outside
I miss the sunshine
I miss the sunshine
I miss the sunshine
I miss the sunshine

This may killing us
But at least it kills the pain
If I could soak up all the black
I would soak up all the black
This may be killing us
But at least it kills the pain
If I could soak up all the black
I would soak up all the black


from All The Black, track released March 8, 2019
produced by Nicholas Vernhes and Cat Clyde


all rights reserved



Cat Clyde London, Ontario

Cat Clyde is an artist out of Stratford, Ontario. A fresh take on the classic sounds of yesteryear; breathing new life into the velvety vocal, tack-piano, slide-guitar-style that can instantly walk you through the swinging doors of a packed saloon.


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