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To Forget...

from S/T Demo - (2018) by Liminal Shroud

00:00 / 08:37


A life not lead lies obscured
Beyond broken branches
Amidst the shallow, desperate forest floor
What secrets have you buried?

What trodden earth has been lost to the relentlessness of time
If we only had more time

Hope of a better future drawn away
As dew from a tender spring leaf
We walk on

Forget me.
Open not your weary eyes to gaze upon
A visage that once brought you joy
Sleep while wide awake

Deep scars left behind
The knife of time draws deep
Memories that haunt you
Unwanted imprints on a pure blanket of snow

Cast aside these fleeting delusions
Of a past long dead
And a future buried beneath my mistakes

Purity misbegotten
From a yearning mind
Unfulfilled, displaced desire
There is no escape from this endless torrent of misery
Which is rightfully mine to bear
Forget me.


from S/T Demo - (2018), released August 3, 2018


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Liminal Shroud Victoria, British Columbia

Surging black metal from the west coast of Canada (Victoria, B.C.). Formed in 2017.

All Virtues Ablaze released August 5, 2022 via Willowtip Records.

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