Ti pišuvam kako da mi e prvpat,
Pesna posledna.
Se bi dala jas pak da sum naivna
Se bi dala vo nekoj da veruvam.
Jas ne znam ovde KOJ KOGO PLAḰA?!
Vratete ja mojata Marija,
I sekoj što nemal da se lekuva.
...i toj vo koj što se zaljubiv togaš!
Vratete mi nežnost i radost !
I 27 polesni denovi...
Živeam samo 3 dena mesečno.
Ne mi trebaat bolni ambicii,
Kariera, ni broenje lajkovi,
Vratete mi go vozduhot bistar!
5 minuti moḱ ...
ubija drugar, ubija čovek.
Puštete ja planinata...čuvar e!
Iskreni deca...ovde dojdete!
Ova e vaše, ne go prodavajte.
Puštete ja planinata...čuvar e!
Iskreni deca...ovde dojdete!
Third album by Serbian garage-postpunk-noise-rock trio Repetitor offers a high-voltage wall of sound, bursts of rage, fear, violence, pain and anxiety Moonlee Records
Defined by catchy pop songwriting, the album inventively blends influences of late 70s and early 80s post-punk, new wave, alternative rock, Detroit electro, Balkan and African folk music Moonlee Records
Free-floating retrofuturist industrial art rock epic. Imagine alternative soundtrack of Blade Runner, uncanny ambience of Coil, melancholy of Berlin era David Bowie and immediacy of Nine Inch Nails. Moonlee Records
Tightly wound post-punk with splashes of new wave; heavy on twangy riffs, phased-out melodies, and understated vocals. Bandcamp New &... Notable Aug 2, 2023