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Lavinia: The Lights That Lay Before My Eyes

from Dunwich by Obed Marsh

00:00 / 06:01


my pale skin, it reminds me of my discarded vessel
broken, inwardly scarred; something is so wrong

eidolic spheres surge before my eyes
swelling as far as my vision distends
i shudder at the voices within my spraining mind
i am touched, raped, defiled

what is this befoulment inside of me?
it reeks perversely, corruptly
i feel it writhing, my cosmic insemination
my body is a tool, 'beyond-one'
poor blood-father, playing games he cannot understand
cannot understand...


from Dunwich, released January 8, 2019


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Obed Marsh Perth, Australia

Spreading the word since MMXIV

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