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textile workers

from ada belle by juno roome

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don’t start with me now, the handles are yours.
you’ll see through me still like the bibles on your shelves.
your eyes, they carry you up, but it’s just mine you’ll find up here.
are you truly the only one with your smile?

can’t you see that it’s all poured out?
it’s not late enough for your last,
can’t you see that it’s all poured out?
i’m out.

my chest is kept shut closed, but the scent travels to,
i know you long for it girl, every time you see me,
when my arms wrap around your body, and you take it with you.
do i see things in your eyes? i still fall short by the years

and then you go, you go back,
to the bed of your man.
redolent of my musk, you go back,
to the bed of your man.


from ada belle, released January 25, 2019


all rights reserved



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