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Say, can you hear

by Men I Trust

00:00 / 03:09
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Say, can you hear
Is there a meaning to your grief?
Where there is pain
You see grace
As if sacrifice
Was meaningful end in itself
Your trial and error is error and error

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been

Hoping for your turn
All the basement stories you heard
Waiting for the world
To bend around you

You’re self-absorbed
Raving about your cryptic ways
Aren’t willing to change
Old grudges

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been broken

Waiting for the world
To bend around you


released November 30, 2018


all rights reserved



Men I Trust Montreal, Québec

Founded in 2014, Men I Trust (menitrust.com), is a Montreal band composed of Jessy, Dragos and Emma.


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