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Cage of Habits

from Soft Power by Doe Paoro

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Roads on roadsWe paid tolls untold

A fix to fill the holes

Tarred souls to numb our woes

I know we have to let go

(Spiral keeps on spiraling)

Over and over

Raving and rabid

Shaking the bars

In a cage of habits

Wrists in cuffs on chains

We chose the links, how do we separate?

And if you threw me keysWould I even change?

Just a pleasure trapSome craving between us

You know how I’ll reactSo you play to my weakness

I know we have to let go

(Spiral keeps on spiraling)

Over and over

Raving and rabid

Shaking the bars

In a cage of habits

Now one of us has to break off

Sickle to the cycle

Been a long time since we could call this love

So let’s just call it what it is…

A cage of habits

(Whatever goes up, must come down)

So locked up

I’m locked up


from Soft Power, released October 19, 2018


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Doe Paoro Los Angeles, California

i'm with the trees

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