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Messiah (feat. Vin Weazzel)

from Messiah by Neoslave

00:00 / 03:53


It's not up to you to decide
Can you survive or will you die
Surrender now embrace the lie
All is right

You have worked until you're tired
You had feelings, had desires
Throw your soul into the fire
Surrender now unto

The new messiah


from Messiah, released October 26, 2018


all rights reserved



Lazerdiscs Records Marseille, France

2016 sees the birth of LAZERDISCS RECORDS managed by 2 founders of Drive Radio. The label is focused on promising and emerging music styles such as synthwave, retrowave, outrun, futuresynth, neodisco, and slow-mo techno. Based in France, Lazerdiscs has decided to open worldwide with the support of fantastic artists like Absolute Valentine, Niky Nine, Robert Parker and many more ... ... more

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