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(Below lyrics written by Erika Angell)

I made the choice to lose myself within another
To sacrifice my own devotion
quietly hoping I could have it both ways
A solar eclipse
A hidden path
A gamble to which there is no regret
They say you just don't
and I believe them
But what if it's not that you don't
but because you won't, you won't, you won't.

(Below lyrics are put together by extracted phrases written by Sappho, translated by Anne Carson from "If Not, Winter".

I would not think to touch the sky with two arms.
I don't know what to do
Two states of mind within me
You came and I was crazy for you
And you cooled my mind that burned with longing
Evening, you gather back all that
Dazzling dawn has put asunder
You gather a lamb you gather a kid
You gather a child to it's mother
Of all stars the most beautiful one
Someone will remember us I say
Even in another time.
And on the eyes black sleep of night
Mingled with all kinds of colours
And I on a soft pillow will lay down my limbs
With sweet oil, costly, you anointed yourself
And on a soft bed, you would let loose your longing
And neither any, nor any holy place
Was there from which we were absent

No groove
No dance
No sound

Just because you won't, you won't, you won't.


from The Mountain That We Live Upon, released September 28, 2018
Music by Erika & Simon Angell
Lyrics by Erika Angell and Sappho, Anne Carson (Translator), If Not, Winter; Fragments of Sappho, Virago 2003.Reprinted by permission of Anne Carson and Aragi Inc".

Erika Angell - vocals
Simon Angell - guitar, synth bass, backing vocals
Samuel Joly - drums, backing vocals
Nicolas Basque - guitar, backing vocals
Simon Trottier - guitar, backing vocals
Michael Feuerstack - guitar, backing vocals


all rights reserved



Thus Owls Montreal, Québec

The mesmerizing and dark velvet sounding Thus Owls from Montreal is built around the core of Swedish-Canadian couple Erika and Simon Angell. Simon’s harshly charismatic guitar blends with the urgency of Erika’s vocals to create a sound that bends and stretches their unusual compositions into ever newer and surprising shapes. ... more

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