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from MISTRESS 10 by Lando

00:00 / 06:26
  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album


    A1 Hutch
    A2 Play Your Games
    B1 Ceremony
    B2 Tonight We Land
    DX Serpent (Digital Bonus)

    Lando about Mistress 10:

    "The Mistress 10 EP is simply, for the most part, a snapshot of my interests, inspirations, and stimulus encountered in the current moment of time in which the tracks were made. I’ve lately been extra engaged (more than usual) in the melodics and musicality of early Blaxploitation scores and soundtracks, hence the name Hutch, (i.e., soul brother Willie Hutch, the Blaxploitation score composer don), and sampling it in ways unconventional to my norm, while sprinkling over random improvised synthesis with generic drum machine percussion. I’ve been obsessed with hitting the record button for an hour or so and going to town, tapping in aimless sporadic elements throughout, keeping those so-called happy accidents. I guess its sort of ode to the Jazz approach in my own weird way. I also continue to revert back to using these sorts of enigmatic, mysterious tones, sequences, and melodies, even when I try not to. I just fall back into it, and it works for me. I guess I’d blame it on my love for X-Files and all things extraterrestrial"

    Includes unlimited streaming of MISTRESS 10 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
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    Purchasable with gift card

      €14 EUR or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

      €1.99 EUR  or more



from MISTRESS 10, released July 20, 2018


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MISTRESS RECORDINGS Minneapolis, Minnesota

Touching all corners of the dancefloor since 2013.

Independent record label run by DVS1. Sub-label of imprint HUSH.

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