A collage of spiritual jazz, electroacoustic minimalism, fourth-world music, and psychedelia from the Italian composer and saxophonist. Bandca...mp New & Notable Jan 30, 2025
FACS regain an old member and switch up their instruments to take even more abstracted approach to their modern art rock. Bandcamp New &... Notable Nov 5, 2024
Well this is damn good. I’m struggling to describe it, but here goes: Birthday Party era Nick Cave arthouse post punk with a stoner rock vibe to the production. Whew!
The bass drives the music and there is considerable variety between the songs. They tag it as, among others, psychedelic rock, and while I’m not sure I hear it, this lines up nicely with other recent standout additions to my collection like Hochen, Dreamtime, and Black Rainbows, who also use that tag. So maybe it’s just me. Lute FP