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Arms Akimbo

from Spuyten Duyvil by Joel Henry Little

00:00 / 04:33
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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Includes unlimited streaming of Spuyten Duyvil via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 2 days
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      €10 EUR or more 



With a breath, I alight,
Vowing never to return to that height,
Nor those ghosts in the park
(All those dim reflections hiding in the dark).

Oh how I lost control!
How it took it's toll!
How I dug a hole and jumped in, arms akimbo!
Is it limbo?

Could you please take the wheel?
'Cause I'm struggling to determine what's real,
And the air is like cream -
All alone, it's like I'm drowning in a stream…

I saw my life unfold,
I felt the dread take hold,
I heard each word that was told to me -
Could you just listen?
Will you listen?

[Oh how I wish I could be there,
Happy to breathe in the free air,
Reading the signs - what do we care about all that?

Stay with me, don't be afraid.
Think of the progress you've made.
Everything's fine, you're okay.
Just keep breathing...]

I met death yesterday,
But I didn't have a clue what to say.
Chain reactions of shame:
Oh my God, they must've thought I'd gone insane!

The tea is overboard.
Florestan's been floored.
There is no accord where there is no good reason.
There's no reason…



from Spuyten Duyvil, released August 24, 2018


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pop folk Paris


Life is a Minestrone Records Paris, France

Since 2014 Life is a Minestrone is releasing compilations of the best unknown artists found on Bandcamp


Now with the release of "Sputyten Duyvil" by Joel Henry Little it is becoming a label
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