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Take Pictures of Me

from Two Brothers and a Ghost by Flagland

00:00 / 04:20


Kerry is on vacation, but nothing can change her from within. She decides to take a swim...

A holiday in the sun
Is fun for everyone.
But there’s nothing you can do
To remove the you in you.
Blast off for the last time,
Til I’m out of my mind.
And when I’m good and pissed?
Go admire the cliffs.
Admire the cliffs and then the ocean.

Take pictures of your food.
Take pictures of your dad.
We’re all going out of the country
With our friends and neighbors too!

Take pictures of me.
For all I know it’s okay.

You can take pictures all you want,
But she’ll cut herself out of every one
Saying, “I’d just like to spend this moment with you,
And for once we can be true

Take pictures of you.
Take pictures of me, too.
For all I know she’s okay…

Take pictures of the cars.
Take pictures of the stars.
Take pictures of the moon.
Take pictures of the sea.
Take pictures of


from Two Brothers and a Ghost, released July 21, 2017


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Flagland New York, New York

Rodents skittering across the wasteland floor: that's the company I like to keep.

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