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Anthologised By Cherry Red (single mix)

from Anthologised By Cherry Red EP by Spray

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Blinky Blinky Computerband
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Blinky Blinky Computerband This is a typical Spray track! Is this a bad rating! No, because it is good as always! I really like the music, the melodies and Jenny vocals. And I am really curious to hear the new album! :-)
00:00 / 03:46
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    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

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I had some minor hits and cult success
I was told I’d be reissued under duress
And then you go from super-austere to super-deluxe overnight
On Record Store Day you get an overpriced picture disc– alright!

I’m being euthanized though I’m not dead
I’m being anthologised by Cherry Red
I have been recognised and now I’m set
But now I’m anthologised by Cherry Red

Once I was done over by the NME
All now reprinted and given out for free
Gary Crowley liner notes and a play from Guy Garvey
They’re gonna be sniffing around for me to play Glastonbury

Oh I’ve been stigmatised and left for dead
I’m being anthologised by Cherry Red
I am revitalised full steam ahead
I’ve been anthologised by Cherry Red

Once I was crucified now I’m dead set
I’m being anthologised by Cherry Red
For all I symbolized I was no threat
Til I was anthologised by Cherry Red


from Anthologised By Cherry Red EP, released May 11, 2018


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Spray Lancashire, UK

Ric and Jen were members of 21st century pop terrorists The Cuban Boys, who topped John Peel's Festive 50 and the UK singles charts.

Their offshoot project Spray predicted the electropop boom, unfortunately much too early for them to cash in. They released two albums in 2002 and 2006.

In 2016 they released their first full length studio album in 10 years - 'Enforced Fun'.
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