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Limits Lie

from Carry On The Grudge by Jamie T

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It's flooding over you now
Keep your chin up
I'm a hurricane
Came through the thunder
To drag you under
Make you take the blame
Remember me forever
I'm the weather,
My tears are the rain
You're drowning together
I hope you're happy
Remember my name

Who knows where your limit
Where your limit lies
You're given what you're given
And now the giver must die

I'm running
Catching up girl
Keep your feet up
I'm straight to the vein
You fall through the floors
And you take it all
And now you feel the rain
Rolling down your cheeks
Dripping to your feet
Keep breathing
Stay with me

Who knows where your limit
Where your limit lies
You're given what you're given
And now the giver must die
And the women
You've forgiven
Who left you behind
Know your limit
Where your limit
Where your limit lies

Lump in a throat
Too hard to swallow,
I go down cold for coming up tomorrow
I will leave tracks
The footsteps back
And the attack where I trapped the love that I had

Lump in a throat
Too hard to swallow,
I go down cold for coming up tomorrow
I will leave tracks
The footsteps back
And the attack where I trapped the love that I had

Lump in a throat
Too hard to swallow,
I go down cold for coming up tomorrow
I will leave tracks
The footsteps back
And the attack where I trapped the love that I had


from Carry On The Grudge, released September 30, 2014
Written By: Jamie T, Ben Coupland , James Dring
Published By: Imagem Music Ltd, Copyright Control, BMG Chrysalis
Produced By: James Dring, Ben Bones, Jamie T
Engineering: James Dring, Ben Bones,
Recorded At: The Square, Miloco / The Premises
Date Recorded: 2012 – 2013
All Vocals & Instruments Jamie T
Except –
Drum programming, live drums, guitars, music programming: Ben Bones
Guitar / Drum Programming: James Dring
Mixed by Cenzo Townshend at Decoy Studio. Assisted by Sean Julliard


all rights reserved



Jamie T London, UK

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